Sha hu kou district,Changping Town,Dongguan,PRC




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How to cut air bubbles in scotch tape?
Source:Mingye Packing Materials Co.,Ltd   Release date:2020-02-28   Hits:793
During the production of scotch tape, air bubbles will appear. Which will affect the beauty and service life of scotch tape. Why do scotch tape manufacturers sell air bubbles without air bubbles? How to drop air bubbles in scotch tape?

In fact, many scotch tape bubbles bought in the market or supermarket are few or even none. Because the produced tapes are all air bubbles. After a period of time, the air bubbles will disappear . And the paper tube inside can be seen from the transparent part on the outside. The larger the tape is, the longer it takes to stand before it becomes completely transparent and no bubbles are visible.

Of course, there is another way is the non-bubble tape produced by imported machines. That is, the air is re-rolled after the air is exhausted during production. The produced tape is also completely transparent, but the cost will increase. Yet, domestic tapes are generally not required for packaging and sealing. Because the bubbles in the transparent tape will not affect the quality of the tape. Such as tensile force, viscosity, etc. have nothing to do with bubbles. So customers do not need to worry about this problem can be assured. When used, the scotch tapes produced by the manufacturers are all foamy. After a period of time, the bubbles will disappear . The longer the time, the higher the transparency of the tape.

How to cut air bubbles in scotch tape?

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Sha hu kou district,Changping Town,Dongguan,PRC

+86 13538551268


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